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Getting Started with Plans
Getting Started with Plans

How to Upload a Plan Set to your project in Pegasus

Updated over a week ago

Getting Started with Plans in Pegasus

The new Plans page Pegasus is designed to keep everyone on your project current with the latest plan set and revisions. Additionally, plan sheets can be annotated with measuring tools, shapes & drawing tools, callouts, and much more! Each annotation is tracked by user and date added. Continue on to learn how to get started with the Plans feature in Pegasus...

How To Upload Plans to your Project:

Select your project and Navigate to the Plans page.

To upload a Plan Set to your project select the blue Upload button.

NOTE: Only users with Manager project permissions can upload plan sets.

From the side blade:

  1. Enter the Plan Set Name (i.e. Bid Set)

  2. Enter the Plan Date (this can be issue date, received date, etc.)

  3. Select the Select Files button or Drag & Drop your plan into the grey drag & drop box area.

  4. Select the Add Plans button to begin uploading your plan set into Pegasus.

Your plan set will now upload and split into individual sheets displayed in the grid.

NOTE: Depending on the file size this may take several minutes for the upload and split to finalize. You and all users with access to the project will receive an email notification when the plan set is ready in Pegasus.

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