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Pegasus Basics: Navigation

New to Pegasus? Learn the basic layout and navigation in Pegasus from the My Projects page.

Updated over 6 months ago

My Projects page

The My Projects page is the first page you will see after logging into Pegasus. This page displays all projects you have access to as well as tools located in the tool bar at the tope of the page. Read below for more information:

My Projects page in Pegasus

Projects section

Projects you have access to are displayed in the projects section. The grey cards represent your projects and display the Project Name, Job Code, and Prime Contract installed/total amount. How to use this page:

  • Navigate to a project by selecting anywhere within a project's card.

  • Use the New Project button to create a new project.

  • Use the Search Bar to search for projects available to you.

  • Use the List/Grid button to change how projects are displayed on your My Projects page (located on the right side of the Search Bar).

The Status the tabs above the main pane and projects section to view projects that are Active, Archived, or moved to Trash.

Tool Bar

The Tool Bar is the white menu bar located at the top of the page and is always visible/pinned to the top of pages in Pegasus:

Select the ? icon to navigate to the Pegasus Help Center for help articles, usage tips, and best practices.

Select the Bell icon displays information about Pegasus product news & updates. You can also Request Features and view our Product Roadmap from here.

Use Inbox icon to navigate to your account's Inbox page containing all of to-do items across all of your available projects such as task reminders/overdue notifications and reviewing reports.

Select Your Name/Avatar at the top-right corner of the page to activate a drop-down menu with the following options:

  • My Profile: View your profile to update profile contact information, view projects, and/or change your password.

  • *Admin Console: Manage users, billing, organization settings and much more.

  • Log Out: Log out of Pegasus, returning you to the Login page.


Selecting the logo at the top left corner of the tool bar links you to the My Projects page.

Project Navigation

Select a project card to open that project from the My Projects page.

Selecting a project will take you to the Dashboard page for that project.

All projects in Pegasus contain a navigation menu on the left side of the window. Select an option from the menu to navigate to that page within your project.

The project navigation menu contains the following pages:

NOTE: Project navigation menus may vary from the above image depending on client-specific subscription plan types, add-ons, and permission sets, configurations, etc.

My Projects: This will return you to your My Projects page in Pegasus where all your projects are stored and organized.

Dashboard: The Dashboard page is the landing page for the project selected. You can see project details, contacts or users who have access to this project, milestones or important project dates on a timeline, and the Project Calendar which displays all project data created in a calendar view.

Contracts: Awarded contract and commitment information such as total contract amount and item breakdowns, time limits, funding sources, job sites and more.

Field Reports: Manage and create field reports including Daily Construction Reports, T&M Reports, Journal Reports, and any other templates available to your project.

Payments: Manage and create Pay Applications and Estimate Worksheets for your Prime Contract and Commitments.

Change Orders: Manage and create Change Orders for your project's Prime Contract and Commitments.

Tasks: Create punch lists, task lists, or anything else you can think of! Manage and assign tasks to yourself or project members.

Documents: Organize and store your project and contract documents: create folders, upload files, and collaborate with viewing and annotation tools.

Photos: Project photo gallery containing photos and videos uploaded to this page or attached project records such as field reports.

Analytics: Generate reports to monitor project, contract, user, and material performance. Visualize data with graphical information.

Project Settings: Manage project information, users & permissions, notifications, and other settings at the project level.


Need more help?

Get quick answers by messaging a support representative using the chat bot located at the bottom right corner of the page or email and phone channels as seen below:

Phone: +1-440-773-3400

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