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Creating a Time & Material Report

Track out-of-scope work with the T&M Report

Updated over a week ago

With the Time & Material Report (T&M Report) template in Pegasus you can quickly document out-of-scope or extra work that has been requested on the job site. See below to get started:

Creating the T&M Report Draft:

Much like the Daily Construction Report (or any other report template), begin by selecting your project and navigate to the Field Reports page. Select the + Create button.

From the side blade widget select Time & Material Report from the Template drop down menu and select the Date.

Select the Save button.

Your T&M Report Draft should now display in the Field Reports grid.

Select the record in the grid and select the Open button to begin filling out your T&M Report.

Filling Out the T&M Report

The T&M Report functions similar to the Daily Construction Report, however, there are less sections to complete and you'll be tracking the time Equipment and Personnel was used for the out-of-scope work as well as any Material being used.


Use the Remarks section to jot down any notes related to the out-of-scope work.

Locate the Remarks section (beneath Report Details). Select the text box area and begin typing. Click the Save button when finished. This section auto-saves periodically as you type but it's a good idea to hit the Save button anyways!


Add any Contractor personnel used for the out-of-scope work. Locate the Workforce section and select the Add Workforce button.

From the side blade widget, select the Workforce classification from the drop down menu. Next, enter a Start Time and Stop Time as well as any Notes you have for the entry (not required).

Select the Save button.

Your Workforce entry will now display in the grid. The Total Time will calculate automatically.

Add, Edit, and remove as many records needed by selecting the record or the Add Workforce button again.


Add any Contractor Equipment used for the out-of-scope work. Locate the Equipment section (beneath the Workforce section) and select the Add Equipment button.

From the side blade widget, select the Equipment type and Quantity from the drop down menu. Next, enter Time Used and Time Idle (in hours) as well as any Notes you have for the entry (not required).

Select the Save button.

Your Equipment entry will now display in the grid.

Add, Edit, and remove as many records needed by selecting the record or the Add Equipment button again.


Quickly track Material used for the out-of-scope work. Locate the Material section (beneath Equipment) and select the Add Material button.

From the side blade widget select/enter the Material type, Unit of Measure, Quantity, and any additional Notes .

Select the Add button.

Your Material entry will now display in the grid.

Add, Edit, and remove as many records needed by selecting the record or the Add Material button again.


Like the Daily Construction Report, you can add Attachments to the T&M Report.

Locate the Attachments section on the T&M Report (beneath the Material section).

Select the Upload button.

Select a file or multiple files from your device's file browser pop up to add to your Daily Construction Report as an Attachment.

Your file Attachment will now display in the grid. A preview of the file or image will display in the left column of the grid.

To add a Description to your Attachment select the record and begin typing in the Description box. Example descriptions include what the file is, the location, general notes or remarks, etc.

Select the Save button.

CONGRATULATIONS! You have created a Time & Material Report. Leave your report as a Draft to continue modifying, Submit your report for review when it is completed.

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