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Materials Tab: Overview

Learn how to use the Material Log

Updated over a week ago

The only section in the Materials tab is the Material Log. The Material Log pulls Material entries from the Daily Construction Report and the Time & Material Report. You can view the running total for Material Delivered and/or Installed as well as individual entries.

Material Log - Basic Usage:

Let's take a closer look at a Material entry for the Material Log (#304 Aggregate Base, image below):

The Material Log displays the Material name (#304 Aggregate Base) as well as the Total Delivered or installed, pulled from Field Reports

Selecting the expand arrow to the left of the Material Name displays all reports that have this material entry:

Each report record displayed in the sub-grid provides the following information:

  • Report Number & Type

  • Status of Report

  • Report Date

  • Material Quantity entered on that report

  • Running Total

  • Unit of Measure

  • Created By

  • Notes

Selecting a report record in the grid allows you to view that report by selecting the Open Report button from the side blade widget.

Exporting the Material Log:

Select the Export to Excel button (located at the top of the grid) to export the Material Log as an Excel file.

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