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Approving Payments and What It Does

Approve the Pay Estimate when all calculations have been finalized and all parties are in agreement with payment amount to be processed.

Updated over a week ago

When You Should Approve Your Payment in Pegasus

Approve your Payment in Pegasus when:

  1. Pay Estimate quantities have been reconciled or agreed upon and all necessary adjustments have been made for the payment period.

  2. Pay Application payments have been added and your Retainage withheld and released math checks out.

It is ok to leave your Payment in a Draft state for as long as necessary. Once you Approve your Payment you want to be certain all math and totaling calculations are agreed upon.

What Happens When I Approve a Payment?

After you Approve your Payment you are essentially locking that period for your project in Pegasus. When locking that period, Field Reports within that period can no longer be created, modified, or Un-Approved. Change Orders for that period can no longer be created or modified.

Quantities and payment information belonging to that period will now display in the Analytics section and your project's running total calculations will display as invoiced or payed in Pegasus.

How to Approve a Payment

Navigate to your project's Payments page, select the Payment record you want to Approve.

From the side blade widget select the Open button.

Select the Approve button from the Payment Details section.

Congratulations! You have Approved a Payment in Pegasus. The Payment record will now display as Approved the in Status column of the Payments grid. Create as many Payments for each pay period your project has.

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